Women in the Revolution

Emily Geiger’s- She was 18 when she was spying.She had to convince general green to let her spy.Emily got captured.

Captain Moly- She was a good cook.her mom was kidnaped and her dad was killed.She was a camp follower.

Sibyl Ludington-She was the daughter of general Ludington.She had a lot of siblings. She was super brave and super smart.

Deborah Samson-She wanted to help her new nation.she was a servant for 7 years.She was proud to be a patriot.

Thomas Paine

Thomas helped the american revolution against the british army

Thomas wrote common sense  helped the americans

common sense made  persuasive argument

 was good man

Thomas Paine

he helped tones

didn’t succeed as a soldier

he inspired the americans to go fight

Thomas Paine he was a engineer scientist and inventor


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